Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

skripsi bahasa inggris

A. Background
        Emirfan T mulyadi (2011) says that reading originates from English, because when we study and comprehend a text (English text) we will comprehend everything about the text. Through reading, we will comprehend sentence structure (grammar), words (vocabulary), we also can comprehend how to make good paragraph. So, it is not exaggeration if reading is originates of reading.  
       Reading is one of the skills that the students should master in learning English. Reading skill becomes important in the education field. This skill is needed to get the information from the English sources. Therefore the learners have to be able to read the sources effectively and efficiently.
       Reading is also something crucial and indispensable from the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor, they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succed in their study.
       The fundamental goal of reading comprehension is to know science concept and the language its self. To students, this is a bridge to understand specific book that is written in English. Which they are required to read.
       In reading comprehension, learners have to be able to identify topic sentence and main idea, make inference, find cause and effect, find out detail information, check reference word and check vocabulary in context. Those are essential Aspects or elements to comprehend the information in reading a text.
       According to explanations above every student should have good ability in reading to support their learning process. Good reading ability will help student easier understand and comprehend their study material, beside that through good reading ability will delivered student have good ability in other English skill.
       To create students who have good reading ability is not an easy job. Teacher should choose and use good learning strategy. Martinis Yamin ( 2011 ) says that there is no the best strategy, every strategy is good according to situation and condition where and when it will be used. It means teacher have big role to decide what strategy can be used in a class to improve student ability because teacher is the first person who knows very well her or his class.
Based on the writer’s observation at Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency and the strategy used in classroom reading  program tends to draw at leaser  four steps namely;1) read the passage of the text,2) find out the difficult words,3) give the questions, and 4) answer the questions based on the text (October 2012). The writer assume that this strategy still has a disadvantage,  is student still confused to comprehension   the text and they cannot interpret the idea in each written English paragraph. And the students don’t feel attractive by class room reading. But the biggest problem of this learning strategy is only some students whose active in learning activity, other students never do anything and only be passive listener when learning process and when teacher give question or test they hope they can take answer from some other students whose study seriously. If teacher give oral question they only follow what their friend said because they realize that their teacher never have enough time to ask them one by one. In other word most students never contribute anything in learning. If we let these conditions it will create most and most student failed. We must overcome it as soon as possible through choose new strategy that suitable to situation and condition of student. The students at the preliminary study that reading test at the first semester 2012/2013 academic year class there were most student got score under minimal passing grade. The student cannot able to identify topic sentence and main idea, make inference and find out detail information. Therefore comprehension is important element in reading. One way to improve reading comprehension text  is teacher must be able to create optimal learning comprehension text by Elaborative Interrogation strategy because Elaborative interrogation type is cooperative learning which the student  cooperation with their friend as fair group.
Melvin L. Siberman ( 2011 ) said that unforgettable learning can be created through giving question and getting answer. These activities include in Elaborative Interrogation strategy. Students work in fair group, make why questions and formulated the answer, and then they will exchange their question to another fair group, after that each group will hypothesize the answer of other group question.
The writer considers that Elaborative Interrogation Strategy is one off crucial aspects that play an important role to achieve appropriate reading comprehension and in improve student reading comprehension, because these strategy to improve student reading comprehension, the teacher has to be able to apply the strategy which are understandable and enjoy able for the students.
Elaborative Interrogation is a learning strategy designed to enable students to learn information that is divergent and a high level through fair or group work. The group is an important concept, because will not be separated from the learning context can be interpreted as a collection of  two or more individuals who interact face to face, and every individual realizes that he is part of the group, so they have felt, and feel positive interdependence that is used to achieve a common goal.
This strategy can optimize all the potential that exists in students in learning, because during the presentation involving students actively, both mentally this learning, student responsibility toward learning is greater because the students more work than just to listen information.
Elaborative Interrogation engages students in activating and using their prior knowledge about a topic in order to improve their comprehensions and memory. (Dough Buehl, 2001, p.50) 
Elaborative Interrogation is a strategy that emphasizes cooperative learning by giving students the opportunity to actively help build mutual understanding. Use this technique to assign students to read the group consist of  the question that given by other groups and also give question to other group. Each member group is responsible for the “expert” to answer the questions. Therefore based on the explanation above, the writer is deeply interested is doing a research about “ Improving Students Reading Comprehension by Using Elaborative Interrogation strategies at the Eleventh Grades Student of the Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency ”.
B.   Identification of The problems
In Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency, reading as one of the English skills is also though. However, as it is observed, is still occured the problem of low learning achievement. This can be seen from the daily reading test at the first Semester 2012/2013,most students got score under minimal passing grade. Student cannot identify topic sentence in main idea, make inference and find out detail information. So, a strategy which provides a better way in comprehending a text is needed taught to make them understand well the problem above.
C.  Limitation of The Problems
This research is aimed at improving students reading comprehension through Elaborative Interrogation strategy in Hortatory Exposition text at the second years student of the Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency.
D. Formulation of The problem
Based on the background above, the problem of this study is formulated into the following question;
“Is students reading comprehension can be improved through Elaborative Interrogation strategy ?”.

E. Significance of Research
This study briefly discusses the applying Elaborative Interrogation strategy in teaching reading in it may contribute to a useful insight in English teaching. Moreover, by knowing the positive effect of Elaborative Interrogation strategy.
1.For the teacher, it will contribute to the use of Elaborative Interrogation strategy in learning process. Teacher to select appropriate method and motivate their students to learning English especially in reading comprehension.
2.  For student, by knowing application cooperative learning Elaborative Interrogation, it will improve student’s reading comprehension.

F.  Research Purpose
The research purpose is an attempt to discover the truth of a knowledge, which mentioned effort done with the scientific method. In accordance with title suggest, the purpose of this study is :
1.Want to know how students reading comprehension be improved through Elaborative Interrogation Strategy at the Eleventh Grades of State Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi? 

A.     The Nature of Reading Comprehension
Being a good teacher of reading starts with an understanding of what reading is. What exactly happens between text, brain, and eye when we engage in this delightful, magical practice called reading? Reading is the practice of using text to create meaning. The two keywords here are creating and meaning. If there is no meaning being created, there is no reading taking place. ( Andrew  p. johnson, 2008,p.3 )
       Reading is an important way for learners to get new language and practice language “reading is as an essential interaction between language an through in which the writer encodes his thought as language and the reader decodes the language into thought
       Reading is composed of two main processes: decoding and comprehension. These two processes are independent of one another, but both are necessary for literacy. Decoding involves being able to connect letter strings to the corresponding units of speech that they represent in order to make sense of print. ( Patricia Wolf and Pamela Nefills, 2004,p. 9 ) 
Reading is ability to draw meaning from the printed page and the interpret this information appropriately; however, quibbling over the exact wording of such a definition, it is, nonetheless , insufficient as a way to understand the true nature of reading abilities. There are four important reasons why this simple definition is inadequate;
1)  First, it does not convey the idea that there are a number of ways to engage in reading. A reading has several possible purposes for reading and each purpose emphasis a somewhat different combination of skills and strategies.
2)  Second, it does not emphasis the many criteria that define the nature of fluent reading abilities, it does not reveal the many skill, processes and knowledge bases that act in combination, and often in parallel, to create the overall reading comprehension abilities that we commonly think of as reading .
3)  Third, it does not explain how reading is carried out as a cognitive process that operates under intense time constrains; yet, these very rapid time processing constraints are essential to understanding how reading comprehension work for the fluent reader .
4)  Fourth, it does not highlight how the ability to draw meaning from a text and interpret  this meaning varies in line with the second language proficiency of reader (William Grabe and fredrecka L Stoler, 2002, p.9 )

Comprehension involves higher-order cognitive and linguistic reasoning, including intelligence, vocabulary, and syntax. Theoretically, reading comprehension is a process of interaction between the reader with the text and the reader relates the idea from the text to prior experiences and their knowledge .In other word, comprehension is a process by which the reader constructs meaning by interacting with the text.( William Grabe and fredrecka L Stoler, 2002  p.9 )

Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of writing. Proficient reading depend on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly, if word recognition is difficult. Students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is the read.
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understand of writing. Reading comprehension is defined has the level of understanding of a passage or text. According to Rubin (1982 in Nuria Fitri 2011) two major abilities in reading comprehension involve meaning of word and phases a well as the content and reasoning with verbal concept. Besides, the states that comprehension involves thinking the basis of good comprehension. Then is an understanding of the manner in which word are used into meaningful phrases into sentence into paragraph. Buehl (2002) reading comprehension the process of obtaining meaning from print is fundamental to learning in the subject we teach. Reading comprehension was described more as a skill than as an active mental process. We conceived reading to be the skill of recognizing letters and words. Which lead to the ability to connect words into sentence, sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs in to longer discourse that represents various themes or idea. We regarded getting the main idea, identifying the important details, making inferences, and other such behaviors as the gist of comprehension.
Comprehension is not always effortless and fast, of course. When beginning readers struggle over individual words, reading is slowed to a near halt and deeper levels of comprehension are seriously compromised. This happens when proficient adult readers struggle with technical expository text on unfamiliar arcane topics, such as a mortgage on a house or the schematics of computer’s operating system. Cognitive strategies are particularly important when there is a breakdown at any level of comprehension. A successful reader implements deliberate, conscious, effortful, time-consuming strategies to repair or circumvent a reading component that is not intact. (Daniel S. Mc Namara. 2007,p. 4)
To be a reader who have good reading comprehension we have to practice and practice. To create good student’s reading comprehension teacher have to provide more practice for the student.
B.     Teaching Reading in English Foreign Language Context
Teaching reading in EFL is a bit different than the way native speakers are taught to read. while vocabulary is an important part of reading, teaching the reading skill of surveying. Skimming, scanning, inference, predicting, and guessing are just as important
While most of the strategies used in both the setting were similar, three modifications indicated in bold had to made. Firstly, the strategy of skimming for the writer’s thesis at the pre-reading stage was followed for ESL students, but had to be delayed and moved to the while-reading phase for the EPL students. The cognitive demands of using a global strategy as early as at this stage, even before they had become comfortable with the text, was very challenging for EPL students. .Secondly, at the while-reading stage, it can be seen that with the ESL students I was able to delve straight into paragraph level analysis. However, with the EFL students, I had o take a bottom-up approach by focusing on difficult vocabulary (identified by them) in the text. This is because I noticed that they were psychologically more comfortable only if they had and understanding of the difficult words. Thirdly, identifying the writer’s thesis came in only after the paragraph level analysis using SPORM, as this would give the EFL student some idea of the information in the paragraphs which can help them identify the thesis statement. This understanding from the paragraph-level analysis can also enable them to identify paragraph-thesis support. As can be seen the approach at this phase was more bottom-up.
Theoretically, while a top-down approach was effective with ESL students, with the EFL students I had to use a more bottom-up approach because they needed the focus of teaching to be on the word and sentence level. This could be because of their limited linguistic resources.
Though cognitively challenged by the content, the use of their L1 enable then to understand content and to express this understanding in English in spite of their language constraints. Allowing them to use their L1 and the bilingual dictionary transformed the classroom atmosphere into a more participatory setting.
Researchers in first language acquisition have contributed much to the understanding of how reading process develop. First language research has found that reader’s purposes and approaches to texts differ not only by text, but by the individual reader. Second language researchers have drawn upon this information and have found similarities between the reading strategies of first and second language readers. Furthermore, second language researchers have learned how  expectations defined by a reader’s culture influence what the reader understand when reading.
By the 1970s, research one reading one’s first language had been flourishing, think of what is going on outside your classroom door. Once your students leave your class, with language will they hear in the hallways or, in case you are in the foreign language department hallways, out on the sidewalks and in the stores ? second language learning context re those in which the classroom target language is readily available out there. Foreign language context are those in which student  do not have ready made context for communication beyond their classroom. Teaching English in japan or morocco or Thailand is almost always a context of English as a foreign language (EFL).
The seemingly clear dichtonomy between ESL and EFL, however, has been considerably muddied in recent years with increasing use of English worldwide for a variety of purposes (Nayar, 1977) first, ESL context vary from an American or british context, where monolingual native speakers abound, to countries such as India or Singapore, where English widely used second language for education, government and commerce, to Scandinavian countries, where English has no official status but is commonly spoken by virtualy every educated person .
Communicative language teaching in what we might broadly categorize as an EFL context is clearly a greater challenge for students teachers. Often, intrinsic motivation is a big issue, since  students may have difficulty in seeing the relevance of learning English (Douglas, third edition,p.135)
Scholar and teachers have made a distinction between EFL (English as a foreign language) and ESL (English as a second language) EFL described situations where students were learning English in order to use it with any other English speakers in the world-when the students might be tourists or business people.
The distinction has become difficult to sustain, however for two reasons. Firstly, many communities-whether in English-or on-English-speaking countries-are now multilingual? Secondly, however, many students of EFL use English in global context, as we have seen. Using English for international information communication, especially on the internet, means that our students are in fact part a global target language community ( the target language being not British or American English but as we have seen , some form of world English.)
C.     Cooperative Learning 
Cooperative learning is a series of learning activities undertaken by student in a group-specific group to achieve the learning objectivies have been formulated. The presence of four important elements in the SPK (cooperative learning strategy), namely; (1) of the participants in the group (2) the group rules (3) the effort to learn (4) the goals that must be accomplished (Sanjaya, 2010, p. 241 )
According to slavin ( 1995) suggested two reasons, first, some studies show that the use of cooperative learning can improve student achievement all at once can enhance the ability of social relationships, develop  acceptance of self and others lack, and can enhance self-esteem . second, cooperative learning can be realization needs of students in learning to think, solve problems, and integrate knowledge with skilled from two reasons, then the cooperative learning is a form of learning that can improve learning systems so far have drawbacks  .
According to Roger and David Jhonson said that not all learning is considered biased group cooperative learning. To achieve maximum results, five elements cooperative learning should be applied,
1.    Positive independence
2.    Personal responsibility
3.    Face to face promotive interaction
4.    Interpersonal skill
5.    Group processing
In class students learn together cooperatively in small groups of 4-6 students on an equal but heterogeneous, ability, gender ethnicity /race and each other to help each other. Purpose of the establishment of this group is for member only opportunity for all students to be actively involved in process the member an opportunity for all students to be actively involved in the process of thinking and learning activities. During the study in a group , test group members is to achieve completeness of material presented by the teachers, and friends help each other to achieve through group learning (Trianto, 2007, p,41)
Lungren (in Ratumanan ,2002) have cooperative skills in detail in three skill levels. The level of cooperative skills early, intermediate, advanced level
a)  Inteal level of cooperative skill, among other ;
1.  Being in the task, which perform tasks, in accordance with its responsibilities
2.  Turn retrieval and sharing of tasks , namely to replace friend with a specific tasks and take some responsibility in the group
3.  Encouraging participation, ie to motivate all members of the group to contribute
4.  Using the opportunity, which is the same perception/opinion
b)  Skilled cooperative secondary level among others;
1.  Active listening, using physical and verbal message to the speaker know you are energetic absorb information
2.  Asked, namely request or ask for further information or clarification ;
3.  Examine the accuracy, ie comparing the answer, ensure that the correct answer
c)  Cooperative skills advanced level
This advanced level cooperative skills, among others, collaboration namely expanding concepts, making inferences and connecting the gazebo-opinion with specific topics (Trianto, 2007,p.46)
1.  Principles of cooperative learning
There are some basic principles cooperative learning, as described below
a)    Principle of positive dependence
In the study group, the successful completion of a task so is dependent on doing business in every member of the group.  
b)   Individual responsibility
This principle is a consequence of the first principle, because of the success of the group depend on each of its members, then each group member should have responsibility in accordance with their duties
c)    Face to face interaction
Cooperative learning to train students to be active and capable communication participation . this capability is very important to equip then in community life in the future, therefore, before doing cooperative, teachers need to equip students with communication for exampke the ability of listening and speaking abilities, but the success group is determined by the participation of each member. (Sanjaya, 2010, p.246)
d)   Participation and Communication (participation Communication )
Cooperative learning to train students to be able to participate actively and communication, skilled is very important to equip them in life later. Therefore, before doing cooperative, teachers need to equip students with to ability to communicate
2.  Cooperative learning procedures
Cooperative learning in principle procedure consists of four stages, namely:
a)    Explanation of material

The explanation phase is defined as the delivery points of the subject matter before the students work in groups.
b)   Learning in groups
After the teacher explains the general picture of the main frame of the subject matter, then students are asked to learn in cooperative each of which has been established previously, heterogeneous grouping of students based on group mean differences in each of its members, both different gender, religious background, socio-economic and ethnic, as well as differences in academic competent.
After the teacher explains the general picture of the main frame of the subject matter, then students are asked to learn in cooperative each of which has been established previously. Heterogeneous grouping of students based on group mean differences in each of its members,
Both different gender, religious background ,socio economic and ethnic as well as differents in academic competent.
c)    Assessment;
Assessment of the SPK can be don’t with a test or quiz. Tests or quizzes done both individually and group. Individual test will give the information capabilities of each student; and test the ability of the group will provide information on the group. The end result of each  student is a merger of the two and divided by two. The values of each group are shared values and his group is the result of cooperative of each member of the group.
d)   Recognition of the team
Recognition of team ( team recognition ) is establishing a team that is considered the most prominent or most accomplished team then given an award  or prize. Recognition and awards are expected to motivate the team to continue to excel and also motivating other team to be better able to improve their performance. (Sanjaya, 2010,p.248)
D.     Elaborative interrogation Strategy
Learning with the Elaborative Interrogation strategy begins with the introduction of the topic that will be discussed by the teacher. The teacher writes down the topic to be learned on the board (white board) power point or etc. The teacher impression ask learners what they know about the topic. Brainstorming activity is intended to active schemata or cognitive structures of learners  to be better prepared to face new lesson activities .
In Elaborative interrogation strategy student in fair or small group will have chance to giving and getting questions from other group. The questions is about learning material but only can give questions use “ WHY ”.After every one have their questions they will be able to answer the questions use this formulations :
Rounded Rectangle: Possible


Rounded Rectangle: Causes
What I am leaning now
What I already know about this

Use this formulations is very advantage for student because student not only learn the material but also add their knowledge and comprehensions of the text.
The strength of the Elaborative Interrogation strategy lies in the process of analyzing important information for possible relationships. By asking why, students are engages in a much deeper level of processing then if they merely read the material; they are making connections and drawing possible conclusions. (Dough Buehl, 2001, p.51)

Elaborative Interrogations Steps :
1.  Model for students appropriate why questions about the material the class is studying.
2.  Select a series of factual statement from the material and present them to the student.
3.  After students review the statements, ask a series of why questions that will focus students attention on implied cause or effect relationship in the material.
4.  Present student with a formula for conceptualizing Elaborative Interrogations.
5.  As students study new information, have them work with partner to generate why questions about the material and to brainstorm possible responses to their questions.
6.  Have them exchange their questions with those of another student pair, each pair will then reread the appreciate sections to hypothesize answer’s to their classmate questions.
7.  Eventually student should fell comfortable generating why questions on their own with a variety of materials they encounter.
1.  Student are engaged in a more active form of questioning, which goes beyond questions that target a literal level of understanding
2.  Students come expect connections among information their might formerly have regarded as isolated facts.
3.   Students are encourage to adopt a more aggressive self-questioning attitude as they learn new material or think about a story. Why questions lead to the asking of other important questions.
4.  Students remember better factual information and details when they are able to discern significant relationships.  

E.   Review of related studies
 According to study before Kiki Wulandari (2011) in class action research about improving students’ reading comprehension through Skimming technique at eleventh grade social science program of  Islamic Senior High School 4 Talang Duku Kabupaten Muaro Jambi it was clarified that reading not only leads the students to obtain information but it can also be pleasurable activity. The teacher’s task to provide an interactive an a productive method or technique in teaching reading by taking into account that not all students have ability or skills to comprehend the message in the reading text and there are are some component that may help the student to read effectively like finding factual information’ main idea, reference and understanding inference. So, in conclusion reading comprehension is acquiring information from context and combining disparate element into the new hole. It is the process of one existing knowledge to interpret text in order to construct meaning .
Meanwhile, according to Nuria Fitri (2012) in class action research about the application Jigsaw Strategy in improving reading comprehentions at the first year student of Senior High School 1 Tanah Sepenggal Bungo Regency. It was clarified that the fundamental of reading comprehensions is to know science concept and the language it self. In reading comprehensions ,learner have to able to identify tofic sentences and main idea, make inference, find cause and effect, find out detail information, check reference word and check vocabulary in context. Those are essential aspects or elements to comprehend the information in reading a text. So, in conclusions to get full comprehensions of a text material a reader should get all of essential aspect of a text.
Based on the reviews study before, it can be conclude that the problem that arises how is the efforts of teachers to improve student’s learning with the right approach, technique and various strategies especially in reading comprehension. One way to improve student’s comprehension is the student’s have to be more active than the teacher and he student’s also have to confidence. As the teacher we have to choose the strategy which is suitable with our students’, in other word, the review study before can be improved student’s reading comprehension by using strategy. Because these strategy will influence the result of reading comprehensions.

A.     Design of research
The design of this research is a classroom action research (CAR), which adapted from Hopkins. Classroom action research is a accurate to form an action learning activities , which deliberately raised and occur in a class by joint action is given by the teacher or the guidance of teachers by students. In the implementation of actions in the classroom, then work together (collaboration) it is very important. (Arikunto, 2006, p.3)
The researcher used a collaboration action research in which the researcher and collaborative teacher became a team work who worked together for solving the problems in teaching English in order to improve students’ reading comprehension at Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency.
Procedure research of this classroom action research (CAR) done to improve student’s reading comprehension, the process implemented gradually until the implementation of this research successful. This type of research comprises four stages, followed proceed by preliminary study, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action and reflecting the action
These stages form a spiral;
Figure3.1 below describes the activities of each step o this study
Spiral Class Action Research (Hopkins, 1992
 Model Picture Class Action Research By Hopkins


                                                Action/                                                                                                                         Observation


                                    Action / observation
B.     Setting and Subject of the research
This research will be conducted at the Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency. This action class is to apply Elaborative Interrogation strategy in improving students reading comprehension at the second years there are 15 boys and 14 girls student of Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency.
The subject of this research are the students class XI IPS 2 of Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency second semester .
The writer choose State Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi because it close to writer’s home, so easier for writer to go there. Besides that, the writer is graduated of this school it make writer can communicated with the English Teacher intensively.
C.     General Procedure Of Research
1.    Preliminary Study
The preliminary study identified the problems of teaching learning of reading comprehension class XI IPS 2 at Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency From the observation on October 2012 it was found that in Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency. The Strategy used in classroom reading program tends to draw at least for step namely; 1) read the passage of the text 2) find out the difficult words 3) pose the questions and 4) answer the questions based on the text. The writer assume that this strategy still has a disadvantage, that is students still confused to comprehend  the text and they cannot interpret the idea in each written English paragraph the students that reading test at the first semester 2012 / 2013 academic year class there were most students got score under minimal passing grade. The students cannot able to identify topic sentence and main idea, make inference and find out detail information at Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Regency. But the biggest problem of this learning strategy is only some students whose active in learning activity, other students never do anything and only be passive listener when learning process and when teacher give question or test they hope they can take answer from some other students whose study seriously. If teacher give oral question they only follow what their friend said because they realize that their teacher never have enough time to ask them one by one. In other word most students never contribute anything in learning. If we let these conditions it will create most and most student failed.
2.   Planing the action
In relation the application of collaborative action research, the research and the collaborator design a plan of action in order to bring about improvement in a specific area of the research context. At this stage, the process of step Elaborative Interrogation;(a) design teaching reading strategy by applying Elaborative Interrogation (b) a lesson plan (c) reading material and (d) determine indicator of performance .
a)      Designing Teaching Reading Strategy
The researcher and collaborator design by applying Elaborative Interrogation strategy in improving students reading comprehension. Elaborative Interrogation is part of cooperative learning which Elaborative Interrogation is an attractive strategy and effective to help students in teaching reading. Elaborative Interrogation strategy can be used in subjects such as science and social studies to improve comprehension in these areas as well as reading . the process of creative Elaborative Interrogation strategy on teaching reading comprehension that students divided into several small group or fair group and each group was assigned to read the assigned section and students limited only on several comprehension indicator namely ; finding main idea, finding detail information and finding inference and answer questions from the member of the group.

b)     Designing a lesson plan
The lesson plans are deigned to be the guideline in implementing action by applying Elaborrative Interrogation strategies.The lesson plans are designed per meeting in each cycle. Which standard competences is comprehend the meaning of functional written text and simple short essay in Hortatory Exposition in interact in daily life context and in access the knowledge and the basic competence is respond the meaning in simple short text accurately, clearly and acceptly that using variety written text in daily life context. Each lesson plan is conducted in three activities ; introduction, core activity, and closing .
c)      Preparing reading material
Reading material prepared based on the instructional objectives stated in each lesson plan. The material used in each meeting are taken from different sources namely in the book  English Alive Senior High School Grade XI, Interlanguage English for Senior High School XI, Students Worksheet for Senior High School XI and also other related sources.
d)     Determining indicator performance
The applicator of this strategy can be said successful if there are 85% of the students involved actively in teaching in learning process. The researcher determines 70% of the students successful in doing the test and successful in gain minimal passing grade with score more than or equal to 75. The researcher also determine 85% of students have good responds in questionnaire about applying Elaborative Interrogation to improve students reading comprehension .

3.      Implementing the action
The research acts as the English teacher while the collaborator as an observes the teaching learning process in reading comprehension. The researches apply Elaborative Interrogation strategy to improve student reading comprehension. Following the implementation of the strategy conducted by researchers in the Elaborative Interrogation ;

a.  Model for students appropriate why questions about the material the class is studying.
b.  Select a series of factual statement from the material and present them to the student.
c.  After students review the statements, ask a series of why questions that will focus students attention on implied cause or effect relationship in the material.
d.  Present student with a formula for conceptualizing Elaborative Interrogations.
e.  As students study new information, have them work with partner to generate why questions about the material and to brainstorm possible responses to their questions.
f.   Have them exchange their questions with those of another student pair, each pair will then reread the appreciate sections to hypothesize answer’s to their classmate questions.
g.  Eventually student should fell comfortable generating why questions on their own with a variety of materials they encounter.
4.    Observing the Action
In the classroom, the collaborator observes and monitors the implementation of the action directly to observe the students responses and interaction on learning process from first time of teaching learning process until the end. The collaborator seen, listened that happened in the classroom. The researcher makes a checklist in reading comprehension.

5.    Reflection
It is the final step in doing classroom action research. The research intended to evaluate whether the implementation is successful or not. Analyzing the data collected in accordance with the criteria of success.If the implementation of cycle one is successful. The research will stop the research and If the implementation of cycle one is unsuccessful, the research will revise and conducted the next cycle.
D.     Technique Of Collecting Data
In collecting data. The researcher uses some method as follow;
1.    Observation checklist
An observation checklist is a list of things that an observer is going to look at when observing a class. In the classroom, the collaborator observes the students and interaction on learning process from first time of teaching learning process until end, the researcher and collaborator determine 14 items checklist. The first phase in pre reading the students by paying attention on strategy Elaborrative Interrogation strategies to activate students’ schemata determined numbers 2 to 3, the second phase in during reading to apply by Elaborative Interrogation strategy 5 to 11 the third phase giving students a few questions to check their understanding of the material in post reading determined numbers 12 the researcher and collaborator make a checklist to evaluate students reading comprehension by giving a mark (√) on provided qualifications.
With the pattern; (H;R) X 100%
H   : the number of all students
R   : the number of student that giving mark
2.    Field Notes
          Field notes are one means employed by qualitative researchers whose main objective of any research is to try to understand the true perspectives of the subject being studied. Field notes allow the researcher to access the subject and record what they observe in a unobtrusive manner. It includes the setting of class, the class atmosphere, the interaction between the teacher and the students, and interaction among students.
3.    Test
The test is amount of questions or exercises or instruments which used to survey the skill, knowledge, intelligent, ability, or trance, was possessive by individual.
The researcher determines the multiple choice test to measure the student’s reading comprehension. 30 item the multiple choice test given to the students at the end of a cycle. The highest score is 100.if each student answer one questions correctly get score1. Each student answer one questions incorrect the score 0,  student  can’t answer the question that
Score is 0 with the pattern  S =  -          x 100                                                                                                      N
S           : Score
B           : Correct answer
N           : Max score
4.  Questionner
The questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or respondents to a written question to answer ( Sugyono, 2009,p. 199)
Distributing questioner to the subject of this research aims to obtain data or information concerning with the students attitude by applying Elaborative Interrogation to improve students reading comprehension

E.     Data analysis
There are two kinds of data to be collective: quantitative data are in the form of numbers of scores taken from test. These are the main data to determine the criteria of success. Quantitative data analyzed by compare score of each cycle with criteria of success. Meanwhile, quantitative data are descriptive data about the teaching ̶ learning process of reading comprehension class XI derived from student’s and teachers activities to illustrate the applying Elaborative Interrogation strategy in teaching learning process. Analysis of qualitative data (observation) is : reduction of data, display and conclusion / verification .
1.      Reduction of data
      The data obtained from the field is quite a lot. Because of it, then it should be noted in a thorough and detail as has been stated, the longer researchers into the field, then the amount of data will be more and more complex and complicated. Therefore, there should be a reduction of the data,. To resume namely data reduction, selecting basic things, focus important thing, just focus on the student and teaching learning process in the class.
2.      Data display
After the data is reduced, then the next step is displayed data displayed can be done in the form of tables, graphs, phi card, or pictogram. In this research, display data is displayed in the form of table.
3.      Verification
This third step is from reduction and data display. This step researcher concluding the research.

F.     Schedule of research
Table 3.1 Research Schedule


Preparation of proposal

Improvement of proposal

Preparation of seminar

Improvement of seminar

Research permit

Research preparation

Research improvement

Script arranged

Scrip improvement

Final report

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